The choice of a big-bag unloading system directly depends on the required level of insulation.
For high process and safety requirements, it is recommended to use a docking system based on DCS® and is a cylindrical stainless steel box with glove ports.
Complete unloading of the product is carried out using the plug-in system PTS Powder Transfer System®.
Высота машины (мм) | 45 |
Другие настройки | 2 |
This station is designed for unloading powder from flexible containers (big bags).
Dec's big bag unpacking stations are modular in design to adapt to product characteristics. The construction frame is mounted on load cells, which guarantees accurate dosing.
Другие настройки | 2 |
This station is designed for unloading powder from flexible containers (big bags).
Partial emptying of big bags is a problem because it is usually not possible to quickly close a big bag when the outlet is full of product.
The solution is an automated unpacking station where the big bags are unloaded from above with a suction lance connected to the PTS Powder Transfer System®. The spear is automated and without operator intervention allows you to extract the exact required amount of powder from the big bag thanks to weight control through load cells.
Другие настройки | 2 |
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